Welcome and thanks for stopping by! This site shows some of my work within the field of human centred research, design thinking and innovation. With a background in product design and with solid experience in service design I can master a wide range of tools to explore, communicate, alternate and remodel any given challenge. Currently working as a senior designer at Transformator Design.
UNCHR Workshop
National template for screening invitation
Photo credit Transformator Design
Transformator Design where given the assignment from SKL and HSF to propose a new national template for screening invitation for mammography and cell specimens. This new template is now released and used in Sweden. First measures shows that the number of women attending the screening program increased by 11% in a period of six months. Image above shows development from the original invitation to the left, our principal template in the middle and the final copy version carried out by KAPI.
My role in this project was service- and concept designer. During deep qualitative interviews we understood that previous invitations was considered vague and difficult to understand and this resulted in many women not showing up at the screenings. One of the reasons that the invitation was considered unclear was that each municipality used their own built invitation templates and they looked very different. Some invitation had a way too difficult language and was lacking information for example information about the screening procedure, which resulted in that the recipient did not understand.
The new template has prioritized information in blocks so that it should be easy to grasp and there is also a simpler language. (Previous invitations were not only difficult to understand, but that it also lacked important information about the screening procedure.) In the new invitation we also added information on how the screening is carried out and why it is so important to have continuity in attending the screening program.
UNHCR refugee challenge workshop
Photo credit Transformator Design
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency and Transformator Design gathered designers, entrepreneurs, students and individuals from the private and public sectors for a workshop in using a design-based approach to solving problems based on refugee’s needs in Northern Europe. For 12 hours, participants learned about service design, interviewing refugees and came up with bold new ideas to improve refugees’ lives.
The workshop facilitated ideas for the global design competition led by the What Design Can Do platform, UNHCR Innovation, and the IKEA Foundation. The What Design Can Do Refugee Challenge contained of five briefs, each addressing major issues such bringing refugee and host communities together and how Europe can maximize the potential of refugees.
In this workshop my role was host and moderator. We guided the participants through a design-based approach to help them to come up with their ideas. We visited refugee centres in Stockholm to make sure that the ideas where based on the experiences and needs of refugees in Northern Europe today. After the workshop I was asked to be part of the expert and selection committee of the What Design Can Do competition.
One of the formed groups from the workshop made it all the way to the finals. Their idea "The Welcome Card" aim to smoothen the integration process and add meaningful time while waiting for asylum.